


The Department of Education is committed to ensuring Queensland children and families have access to a kindergarten program wherever they live.

The department provides kindergarten programs in selected approved State Schools in communities where families would otherwise not have access to a kindergarten program. Kindergarten is proudly provided at our school 5 days per week.

At Bwgcolman Community School we offer an approved Kindergarten Program delivered by a qualified teacher.

Kindergarten program hours

Monday to Friday starting at 8.30am finishing 12.30pm.


To participate in our Kindergarten program children must have turned 4 before 30 June. There is no opportunity for early entry into the Kindergarten program.

Enrolment forms

Please submit the following forms as well as any additional documentation to the school to secure a place for your child in the kindergarten program:

  1. Application (DOCX, 68KB) to register a child in a pre-Preparatory learning program in a Queensland state school
  2. Supplementary registration form (DOCX, 898KB) - State Delivered Kindergarten

Additional document required 

  • Birth certificate
  • Immunisation history statement
  • Medical management plan (if required)
Contact us during office hours to make an appointment.

Why is Kindy important?

Our vision is to make our children `2 way strong’. 

To be `2 way strong’ we endeavour to make children proud and strong in their Indigenous identity and to be successful when engaging with the non-indigenous community.

To make our program successful, we encourage families to come into the centre to participate in the program with their child.  We value any contributions that families have to offer.

We also recognise that children come into our centre with lots of different skills and knowledge’s.   We venture to build a genuine relationship with the children and their families so that each child will reach their full potential.

A safe and supportive environment is essential to creating a positive learning environment. The educators aim to create this environment by working with children, families and community about the needs of being safe and for children to aim to take risks at unfamiliar learning experiences.

Our Kindy follows the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines to create programs that will provide the students with the fundamental skills needed to transition into Prep and be prepared for the wonderful journey of learning.

Last reviewed 21 July 2021
Last updated 21 July 2021